MARYDALE is a typeface designed in 1993 by Brian Willson. Available directly from 3IP Type Foundry. Also from Adobe Fonts, Fontspring, MyFonts, Creative Market.
About Marydale*: While working at a trade magazine many years ago, I admired the hand-lettering of a colleague and asked if she’d let me model a font after her penmanship. She drew out the alphabet, and I launched (then Altsys) Fontographer and (to shorten a long story) ended up designing my first font. For the heck of it, I released it online and—astonishingly, it took off. And since then, Marydale herself has had the mixed blessing of seeing her handwriting (and name) plastered all over the planet. The Marydale family has Regular, Bold, and Black weights. OpenType features include true small caps, numerous ligatures, and a stylistic set that substitutes a few less quirky glyphs—as well as support for Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic languages.